Tag Archives: Script

Monitor File Cluster Resources


When a (file) cluster resource failover occurred it is not always desirable to do an automatic failback (you probably would investigate the reason for the failover before performing a failback of the resources). Because of this I have created a Powershell script for use with file clusters to monitor file cluster resources, it works pretty much like the Powershell script I made for monitoring Exchange Database failovers (https://netflex.nl/exchange-database-activation-preference ).

The Powershell script monitors the preferred owner of a resource. In the event the Powershell script detects a resource is not running on the preferred owner, the Powershell script will send an email alert to a predefined recipient.

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PowerShell script for archiving/compressing files


The following script archives files into zip files from a particular directory that are older than x days. Convenient to zip eg IIS logs. Of course, the script may also be used for other purposes.


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Vraag ActiveSync Devices met een Exchange partnership op


Als u benieuwt bent welke devices uw medewerkers gebruiken om hun mail te synchroniseren kunt u onderstaand script gebruiken. Dit script exporteert de ActiveSync device gegevens naar een CSV file met o.a. het type device, het model, welk OS er op het desbetreffende device draait, de gebruiker van het device en of het device geblokkeerd is of niet.
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