An Exchange database availability group (DAG) provides fault tolerance for your mail databases. When a mailbox server fails or when doing maintenance your users will still be able to send mail. Unfortunately you don’t always know when a failover took place. This could be because no monitoring is in place. The moment you realize some databases failed over is properly when users are complaining of a slow mail system.
The script checks the activation preference of the database in relation to the database status. If a database with an activation preference of one has a status else than “Mounted” it probably failed over (or has other issues). In this case the script will mail an alert to the configured recipients with a report of the databases not mounted on the preferred server.
# Check-PrefDbServer.ps1 # Checks if database is running on the preferred mailbox server, if not an email will be send. # Created: 20-11-2014 # Created by: Michiel Elderson (Netflex) # version: 1.0 $Body = @() | Out-string $Databases = Get-MailboxDatabase Foreach ($Database in $Databases){ $ActPref = $Database.ActivationPreference $Server = $Database.Server if (!($Actpref -like "*$Server, 1*")){ Write-host "Database $Database is NOT mounted on the preferred server" -BackgroundColor Red $Body +="<p>Database $Database is NOT mounted on the preferred server</p>" } } #Set email settings $SmtpSettings = @{ To = "", "", "" From = "" Subject = "Database(s) not running on preferred server, possibly a failover occurred" Body = $Body SmtpServer = "" } #Send the actual mail Send-MailMessage @SmtpSettings –BodyAsHtml
Save the script to Check-PrefDbServer.ps1 and change the SMTP settings. You could schedule the script to run every hour.
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