Netflex Blog

Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack: Het volledig verwijderen van een gebruiker uit de database.


Soms wil het synchroniseren van een gebruiker met Datasync Mobility niet goed lukken, de gebruiker komt niet op synced te staan, en het device (de iphone oid) kan geen mail/agenda-items etc ophalen. Hierbij wil het wel eens helpen de gebruiker ECHT uit de database te verwijderen. Het alleen weggooien van de gebruiker uit Datasync Mobility is dan niet voldoende.

Dit document is bij Novell Support terug te vinden als TID #7008852

  •  Delete the user from both the connectors.
  • Open a terminal window for the Datasync server.
  • Type the following command:  psql -U datasync_user datasync
  • Enter password for the datasync database. If the database password is not known, please check /etc/datasync/configengine/configengine.xml file as the password is stored in plaintext in the following format:


  • Type the following command: select dn from targets;
  • Check if the user is present in the listed user list. Copy the entry for that user.
  • Type the following command to delete the user from the datasync database: delete from targets where dn=’cn=user,o=context’; Replace cn=user,o=context with the one that was copied in step 6.
  • Please type: select * from “objectMappings” where “objectID” like ‘%userid%’; and press Enter. Replace userid with the userid in eDirectory and make sure to type in the semi-colon (;) at the end of the command.

select * from “objectMappings” where “objectID” like ‘%mperry%’;

  • If entries are seen for that user, please type: delete from “objectMappings” where “objectID” like ‘%userID%’; and press Enter. Replace userid with the userid in eDirectory and make sure to type in the semi-colon (;) at the end of the command.

delete from “objectMappings” where “objectID” like ‘%mperry%’;

  • Exit by typing q.
  • If the user needs to be added to the group, add the user to to the group
  • Restart DataSync by typing “rcdatasync restart” and press Enter.
  • If the user was not added yet, add the user to groupwise connector and then to mobility connector.

The user should sync without any problems now.

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