Category Archives: Blog

Access is denied at domain controller login



Today I came across a weird issue. When logging on to a Domain Controller (2008 R2) I was presented an ‘Access is denied’ error. Weirdly enough this happened after the authentication took place.

There were no related events to be found in the event viewer. Looking at the domain controller policies and running tools like dcdiag/nltest (using psexec) didn’t provide any clues either.

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Turn off ADFS for o365 when ADFS servers are not reachable.


When there is a problem with your ADFS server(s) or your internet connection, there is no authentication possible on ADFS. Users are not able to login to their mail, use Skype For Business or Sharepoint.

When this happens, it is good to know there is an easy way to turn federation off and on again in powershell without requiring a connection to the ADFS server.

Before you start, make sure you had password sync enabled on the AAD Connect server. If not, you will have to set a new password for every user after disabling federation. Continue Reading

Micro Focus has released Open Enterprise Server 2015, no Novell Client needed!


With the release of Open Enterprise Server 2015 by Micro Focus (formerly Novell inc), Micro Focus is giving customers more choice and flexibility through support for AD and increased storage capabilities. Continue Reading

Synchronize Mail and Calendar-items of a GroupWise Resource to your mobile device.


Within GroupWise Mobility Service 2.x it is possible to synchronize GroupWise resources to your Mobile device. This makes it possible for users to sync a resource where they have proxy-access.

 How does it work?

Create a new or use an existing resource. Proxy to the (new) resource and give it a password via the settings in the GroupWise client. By proxying once to the resource, the contact folders will be created which makes sure the account can be synchronized correctly by the GMS server. Continue Reading

Virtual SAN for Desktop Advanced beschikbaar


Sinds 10 september 2015 is het product Virtual SAN for Desktop Advanced beschikbaar als onderdeel van de VMware Horizon Advanced en Enterprise edities.

Virtual SAN for Desktop Advanced is gebaseerd op het recent gelanceerde Virtual SAN 6.1 met als nieuwe functies All-Flash en Stretched Clusters. Continue Reading

Microsoft Band Review


De afgelopen weken heb ik de Microsoft Band getest. De Microsoft Band is een fitnessband die werkt met zowel IOS, Android en Windows Phone. Ik heb de Band getest samen met mijn iPhone.
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PowerShell script for archiving/compressing files


The following script archives files into zip files from a particular directory that are older than x days. Convenient to zip eg IIS logs. Of course, the script may also be used for other purposes.


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Verzonden items en gedeelde mailboxen in Outlook 2013


In Exchange 2013 CU9 en de huidige versie van o365 (augustus 2015) bestaat er de mogelijkheid om verzonden items te plaatsen in de verzonden items map van de gedeelde mailbox als er gebruik gemaakt wordt van send-as machtigingen.
Tot nu toe werden deze mailtjes geplaatst in de verzonden items van de persoon die de mail verstuurd had,

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What will the VMware acquisition mean for Immidio?


Last month VMware announced the acquisition of Immidio. Immidio, renowned for their Flex+ product, is a dutch company that started 7 years ago and since then has grown worldwide with products like “Immidio AppScriber” the “Immidio Resource kit” and of course “Immidio Flex+”.

At first Immidio Flexprofiles  was released as a freeware tool. This was an immediate success, in the meantime immidio has more than 500 customers in 25 countries worldwide.
Immidio Flex+
Immidio Flex+ workspace virtualization provides end users with a personalized and dynamic Windows desktop, adapted to their specific situation, based on aspects like role, device and location.

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Use GroupWise for searching GWAVA Retain Archives



GWAVA has built a nice plugin for Outlook, which makes it possible to do searches and view emails from the Retain Archive in Outlook. But there is no such plugin for GroupWise. If we want to see our Archived mail in GroupWise we need to use Stubbing or the Retain Webplugin which sends us to the Retain Webpage.

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